Headstand Platonist

A forward look, challenge
 To thank you, a second-ever person
 Pronoun, always mistaken;
 Landing, like by a first jump from the tree
 Worried shouts and cries 'back!'
 From those who barely see you
 Except for,
 The infected by the same hallucination
 Though neutral is the Real 
 Being then sung,
 With various tunes and lyrics
 The Amazing Grace of the day ever after
 An abundance of characters 'till tomorrow
 Nobody of now would tell,
 No less, no more than names
 Which Tarzan the kid deciphers their codes
 Huck, Santiago, et petit Gavroche
 With a jackass, one slinks toward the auction,
 Mosaicking some verbal exchange
 No sooner than the ass is out of town
 Leaving the market demolished.
 It happens with wanderer outcasts,
 As, where love is blocked, among
 Nation security's
 Taboos of Rights and Truth.

By A. R. Jwailie

A son of a carpenter who inherited the craft, and had to quit the job.

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