Reflection Exercise


Within the limits of a hardly Pass upper-intermediate English examination, a tolerated degree of alienation to any spoken or written other language, and a handsome bit of insanity; one may recklessly tilt their neck high to imagine your choice for your own last years. None but you see the specks of dust, carelessly left by the maid, all just turn a blind eye to a piano which is supposed to shine clean just for the visitors. A landscape not much different is anywhere, comprised of molecules and atoms, then divides into infinite universes of particles. No more to echo. These passing bliss of instances are not your fees, nor tip, they are under dues of your flooding balance. It’s worsening around Herr, just the same as you saw it through the window. A lifetime I spent convincing you for a game of chess, eventually, again, and again we can’t pass over the sixth movement! And, Christ! You laugh, Herr!! Störender Eindringling!?

It might be the verge, not nothingness itself. Proper cowardice for a more proper act. Suspended deals behind and ahead in front. Boring just like a randomly selected grain of sand on the desert, to speculate. Most of all, the beloved you breathe keeps mocking you as though you are something worthy of their amusement! Stand up! Take a look at reality outside your dark glass façade. Neutral! Nothing meant to be consistent, embraced, or kicked out; a living term is non-mechanical; one is reflecting only their selves upon its pond. The remaining breaths are getting overstuffed with schedules. A lesbian secretary is in urgent need to fix the dates, and chase demons; besides, affordably new guitar, open area outskirts of crowds, and lots of pets.

Totally fragmented and scattered, Ma’am; with every piece is shaking like Nero’s harp, sweating and bleeding among the flames. One raised right, one raised left; two swords in both hands, on no man’s land, fast asleep in a room next to the summit hall of great czars’ ghosts. Casting a spell over sorcerers, for them to surrender accepting, with pleasure their determined crucifixion, everything is determined just as your wild freedom.

Not even suggest, never to show up, only just in order, Ms. Other! What differs a walking flesh and blood statue from one of marble!? At your presence, nothing behind but cheap storms of dust. Sitting with free knees, sometimes a foot or a leaned stretched hand get invisible weirdly feeling stuff there, nowhere! Not knowing which is the one seeking shelter behind the other, me over my plastic chair, or the few flowers in their plastic bowls. They used to tremble as I pass by, but not this time.

Lonely is an arrogant, shame worthy term, if it is, it is not to be mentioned more than once. Half a century –counting the sum-product, is a reasonable period for scales to settle down, many hights have fallen down, and others almost elf’s short rose up high; all at an equal level with innumerable icons to wear a proper hat for each one’s memory.

By A. R. Jwailie

A son of a carpenter who inherited the craft, and had to quit the job.

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